RUNESCAPE | Combat training guide - Rock Crabs

RUNESCAPE | Combat training guide - Rock Crabs
Here’s one of a 1000 ways to train
your combat (espacially strength) with
the nice good exp giving rock crabs.

It’s not the regular space in Relekka
with a bunch of people, it’s a triple
rock crab spot where you’ll automaticly
attack 3 rock crabs during 9 minutes,
then you’ll have to walk for an end
so they will get back to aggressive


I use this mode for training my strength, because my strength sucks..
I’ts even lower then my attack level
(73) so I gotta do something about it!

I’m totally going for 80 strength!
It’s just necesarry AND a good goal.
(Yeah sure, like I also wanted to have
99 woodcutting, 99 fletching and
a dragon chain -.- Sucky enough,
I always get bored and stay the noob)


Posted under All Guides, Combat Guides, P2P Combat Guides

This post was written by admin on September 14, 2008

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